Well here we are- back in Naknek Alaska, for another Bristol Bay salmon season! I know- seems a little early doesn't it? Actually, I don't think half the salmon we are going to process this season have been born yet- but none the less we're here. You might notice some changes this year to the format and content of this blog. Hopefully- these changes will be a good thing. The most important change will be under YOUR control. We want to see more comments from you- the viewer! Tell us what we are doing wrong, Tell us what you want to see, Tell us who you want to see. We know you are out there- now we want to know what you're thinking. Keep in mind this is a family friendly site, dedicated to the people we've left at home. Keep comments in the PG classification- because we can, and will, edit them. Our goal is, and always has been, to open up our little world to you, and allow families to keep in touch with their loved ones. With that- lets begin the 2009 sockeye season...

A view of the frozen Naknek river looking south.